The European Journal of International Security (EJIS) publishes theoretical, methodological and empirical papers at the cutting edge of security research.
Welcoming high quality research from around the world, EJIS will cover all areas of international security, including: conflict and peace building; strategy and warfare; environmental and food security; economic and energy security; human and everyday security; technology and security; and security governance.
Our remit is broad and explicitly pluralistic. However, the editors will favour papers that are intellectually ambitious and global in scope. The journal is particularly concerned to make connections and build bridges, both between different disciplinary and theoretical perspectives, but also across regional boundaries.
Original Articles
Special Issues
The Associate Editor in charge will review the submissions of special issue proposals and present these to the editorial team. The editorial team selects the winner. Following the selection the special issue editors will be requested to prepare a workshop outline including a list of authors and abstracts. At least one member of the Editorial Board will attend the authors’ workshop. A Special Issue will consist of a) an introduction by the guest editors (5,000 words), b) up to 5 articles (usual article length), c) a conclusion (5,000 words). Each article will be reviewed following standard manuscript procedure. In addition the entire special issue (including introduction and conclusion) will be reviewed by 3 reviewers.
The Associate Editor with responsibility for special issues is Anthony King.
Junior-Senior Dialogue
The dialogue works in the following way: 1) the junior scholar (usually late Phd or early career phase) submits the manuscript and flags it for consideration in the category; 2) the senior (normally the scholar whose work is at stake in the article) acts as peer reviewer; 3) if the manuscript is accepted, the senior’s review is turned into a short response article, the junior themselves has an opportunity to respond, and the entire correspondence is published in a separate section of the journal.
The Associate Editor with responsibility for the Junior-Senior Dialogue is Jutta Weldes.
Book Review Symposium
The Book Review Symposium will have a total length of 11,000 words and consist of a) an introduction of the book by the author (1000 words), b) four responses (each 2000 words) and c) a response by the author (2000 words). The Associate Editor will commission the contributions from the five contributors. The Book Review Symposium will be sent out to review as a whole following the manuscript review procedure.
The Associate Editor with responsibility for the Book Review Symposium is David Galbreath.