Deadline: 30 September 2017
The European Journal of International Security is inviting proposals for a Special Issue, to be published in Volume 4 of the journal (2019).
The call is open, in the sense that we are not specifying a preferred topic or topics in security studies. However, we will favour proposals that speak to and advance the aims and aspirations outlined in our journal mission statement (free to access), published in Issue 1:1. In particular, we are interested in proposals with some or all of the following attributes:
- Showcase the best new work in the discipline
- Innovate theoretically, empirically and methodologically, and take intellectual risks
- Encourage bridge building between different theoretical and disciplinary perspectives
- Develop cross-disciplinary engagement beyond security studies narrowly defined
- Afford global perspectives on security studies themes
- Provide an appropriate gender balance of contributors
The special issue will be managed by a Guest Editor(s) working closely with the EJIS Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Team. All papers will go through an independent peer review process and be subject to final approval by the Editorial Team.
The EJIS will provide up to £2000 for a concepts, review and development workshop in support of the special issue.
Proposals should include the following:
- An overview of the special issue (800-1000 words), outlining the rationale for the topic, including its relevance and importance to the EJIS with reference to the goals outlined in our mission statement.
- A list of authors and abstracts (250 words) for eight proposed paper, together with a biography (100 words) for each author.
- An overview of how the Guest Editor(s) will manage the submission process, with timeline. A 250 word biography for the Guest Editor(s).
All proposals will be reviewed by the EJIS Editorial Team, with the winning proposal announced by 31 October 2017. Final papers should be in the 9-12,000 word range as per our Guidelines for Authors.
The Editorial Team reserves the right to make final decisions regarding the publication of any given article. The final decision for publication rests with the Editor-in-Chief.
Prospective editors are encouraged to contact the journal with questions about the proposal review process, or to submit ideas for special issues. Please visit our website or email the editorial office ( or Editor-in-Chief ( for additional information.
The European Journal of International Security is a journal of the British International Studies Association.
Tim Edmunds
European Journal of International Security (EJIS)
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